Wednesday, July 10, 2013

First Gay Country Song!

Did you all watch ''All-American Boy'' by Steve Grand? If not yet, then you should go watch it! It's the first GAY country song. I think it's making history. I hope it will succeed more and get many people liking it. So then it would be a normal thing for country songs to have gay themed ones.

The song and video clip tells the story of Steve, a guy who fell in love with a Straight guy! - haven't we all been there before? but then eventually Steve gets turned down sadly which made it more realistic. He had a crush on a guy for too long, it was his straight friend that already had a girlfriend and just thought of Steve as a friend.

So when Steve made a pass and kissed his crush, the bitter moment of confusion and shocking had arrived. And at the end, he knows they will never be more than friends nor even friends maybe.

It's heartbreaking and fun to watch at the same time. Check it out

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