Sunday, June 30, 2013

Different People

It doesn't matter what's your nationality nor which sexuality and gender you are. No matter where you are from, you will always have your own personality 'cause every individual is a special case. 

You can meet people from all around the world that are different than each others. Every person has their own beliefs and things they like or dislike. You can meet people from the same country but they are totally different and has nothing in common except they are from the same country. We always forget and assume that people from the same country are going to have same personalities and beliefs because they come from the same culture. But that is not true. As I said, every person is different and special, no matter where they are from. It is the same with sexuality,  whether you are Gay, Straight or Bi, you will have your own personality and what turns you on. Of course, we might find few things in common but that doesn't mean we are all the same. Not all gays are the same and not all bisexuals nor straights are the same. 

Just remember do not judge people by their skin color or  nationality or even sexuality. Because we are all human beings. We have our own lives and lifestyles and experiences, and the way we were raised and the culture we come from.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Death In Our Future

Death and future. We wonder when our time would come and how we are all going to die. We live the present and forget that we are going to die someday too. But what if you knew when are you going to die? What would you do? Will you just let yourself die when it's your time, or are you going to save yourself and avoid your death? However, no one can escape death.

Many people live their lives and want to live forever. We sometimes leave things for later, thinking we might do them in the future. But time passes us and life's difficulties happen and life changes us and our lives. What we have to do is to live the present and forget about our deaths. And accept the fact that we will die someday. Whether we love our lives and try to enjoy every minute of it. Trying to become something of ourselves, Or we are having troubles in life and wanting to die. Just know that we won't live forever. 

So no matter what happens, just live your life in the present. We can't live the past nor the future.
But we can live our present.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Victims are Criminals

We've been waiting in the police station for hours now, I started to get tired and sick of everything. All because of the attackers on my family we've all went to the station because the attackers filed a report on us. And now we don't know who will win this case. 

My best friend is in the hospital because he is sick and i haven't talked to him in 2 days. Me and my bro and mother, sister,father are all now waiting in a depressing boring waiting room. The air conditioner in the room, looked old and wasn't working but my sis Judy tried to turn it on and it worked. The weather is so hot and unbearable.  Good thing after this is all over, we r going to Toronto and I'll begin studying there.  First i will get to know the city of Toronto and then the fall semester will start. 

I still can't believe my mother Tara and sister Judy were one day in a mall and needed a phone to call our driver, and they asked the wrong people "a three women" who treated them bad  like they were bugs. they pushed them and refused to help and started to call them names and made fun of them. And that's when a man probably one of the women's husband came. He attacked them and spitted on them, and the women and man spilled Pepsi on them and insulted them. The guy even punched my sister on the face. And now this lead us to where we are now! Like we are some kind of criminals. He is suing us even though we are Victims!

When Law Turn Against You

Law and order. When an attacker thinks he's a victim. And a victim who has no idea how did that happen. How did the victim become the criminal, and the criminal become a victim? What happen next? Does the victim gets his right? Or does the criminal really think he's a victim?  U feel like u know an incident n how it happened, but apparently there are more versions for incidents. People who witness it n their point of view, criminal who think he did the right thing, and the victim who think his right was taken from him and got attacked while protecting his right.  Life is unfair and we sometimes never get what we deserve. It's something that may happen to everyone. Sometimes the law can get it wrong, and u end up losing a case. But never give up, maybe things will turn around and if u lost someday, u may win another day. After my mother and sister got attacked and hit by a man and three women. The guy went to sue my family and filed a report. Can u imagine? One who did wrong think he done good. How can that happen? It's a messed up situation for everyone. Who may win the case and who may lose? We never know what will happen. But we have to have some faith in ourselves and fight for our rights no matter what. And who knows? Maybe u will get it. Justice may get served.                    

If u asked someone for help one day, and they treated u bad and attacked u. What would u do? Just be sure u ask the right people. U sure don't want to be a victim of asking the wrong people for help.

Pictures Are Tricky

Everything looks better in pictures, but life is not a picture. It takes some efforts for a person to deal with the area that surrounding everything around it. When we see life in a picture, like a picture of nature or a city. We look and say it is beautiful, but what we don't realize is that a picture can't tell everything about the place. Because when you go to the area, you will find a picture was just a picture, and it only told u half of the area. We won't know how the weather is and how is the atmosphere there, unless we go to where the pictures were taken. Like for example, if you saw a pictures of Dubai u might feel like it is the perfect place to live but when u go to it u will find the pictures were really just pictures. It is a normal city as it is. it is not a heaven, just like it's not when u see a picture of a jungle or a park. When u visit Dubai, it wont be like in the pictures. The weather  would be so hot, the building are tall but not that tall cause at the end of the day u wont be living a skyline or a view. U would be living the life there. So when you see pictures of anything don't assume u know everything about the place in the picture. You have to go there and see for yourself.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The People Behind Your Back

I have a friend who thinks a group of people are talking bad about her behind her back. These things happen most of the time, and it's a very normal thing for insecure people to do. When they feel insecure about themselves, they judge others and talk bad about them. I think if there are some people who are talking behind your back, let them stay where they belong, ''Behind Your Back''. 

Just forget about the people you dislike. Do not care about them nor what they say. And Who knows? Maybe you think they talk bad about you because you hate these group of people, so you think they are talking about you. There is no need for you to think about them. Why would you think about them when they mean nothing to you? So don't give a shit about what they say. And if they are really talking about you behind your back, then let them stay where they belong ''behind your back''. Don't let them bring you down.

Ignore those people who like to gossip. Let yourself get busy by doing other things, and you will eventually forget about them. These insecure people just want to bring a person down. If they didn't pick on you, they will find another one to pick on. They apparently have no lives and nothing better to do except making others feel bad about themselves. So don't feel bad about yourself, these people are not worth it. They might just envy others' good qualities.

Smile and let the world say what they want to say. If you are happy and enjoying your life, why would you care about the people's gossips? 

Live your life the way you want, not the way others want you to live.

Can't we rely on someone?

We try our best to have faith in others and ourselves. We ask people to help us sometimes and give us a hand, but sometimes they may let us down, even families and friends.

When we ask our friends for help and they let us down, we can't help but wonder if we can actually rely on them or even others. While in some situations a friend may end up helping us, other moments where they end up failing us. When you get lost and end up asking strangers for directions, they whether end up helping you or couldn't even benefit you. It is the same thing when you ask friends or families for a little help, they may help you or couldn't help. At the end of the day, you should remember they are just humans like you, and they make mistakes too. Like if a friend tried to help you and give you want you need, but then bailed out and couldn't help. Just remember maybe your friends really couldn't help you, not because  they didn't want to help. We sure know that but we can easily forget it sometimes and get mad at them. But It would be your fault if you relied completely on your friends. Because the only one you can completely rely on is... Yourself.

Sure friends and families may always have your back in situations but you will not find them there all the time, you have to have some faith in yourself and try to help yourself without asking anyone for help. But if you had to ask and absolutely needed help, then you should ask. But if they couldn't help try not be so disappointed.

So try to help yourself most of times because you may not find help from others all the time. You may not have your friends and families around you all the time, but you are for sure will always have yourself. In most situations, you are on your own. 

Of course, one person can't do everything on his/her own so we end up asking for help, but we should not completely count on the help we may get.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Gay Pride Week

It is Pride Week in Toronto. All Gays come out to play and march the streets of Toronto. Drag queens, Lesbians, and Gay guys, all come together to celebrate themselves and show the city and world how pride they are of being gay. Pride Week in Toronto is one of the largest gay pride festivals in the world and one of the largest festivals in North America. It is a celebration of the diversity of the LGBT community in the Greater Toronto Area. The 2013 Pride had started at June 21, and it will keep on going until the 30th. While over one million people come to attend it. 

The main events of the festival are a Dyke March, Trans March, and the Pride Parade. the center of Pride Week is at gay village ''Church and Wellesley''. Both the Dyke March and the main Pride Parade start at the Village and head toward Yonge Street, Gerrard Street and Bloor Street. So if you are in Toronto, join the parade and celebrate gay pride with millions of people. There are contests for everyone to join and have some fun. 


Happy Pride Week, Everyone! 
We are all one big nation, and we are proud of who we are.

TRP360: Virtual Toronto in Second Life

Do you play Second Life? There is a Toronto Sim in the popular online game ''Second Life''. The location is called TRP360 and you can find it in the game. The place is based on Toronto's downtown, and it's very similar to the real thing. There are many fun things to do in the virtual Toronto, like riding taxis, streetcars, and taking the subway to get around the area. You can try the Fun House to drive race cars and motorcycles. Also You will find the CN tower there too. If you are interested check out this website at and if you are new to Second Life then visit the game's website

Friday, June 21, 2013

You Control Your Own Life

Life does not control us, and we can not control it.

Life does not change our fates, we change it by the choices we make. It is our decisions that lead us to where we go in Life. Sometimes It is fate, and sometimes it's god's way of showing us what's right for us. You know what they say, ''when god closes a door, somewhere he opens a window of opportunity.''  

You should never give up in life, because you never know how things turn out to be, and when is the things are going to turn around again. Future may not be something for granted. And you never know how it will turn out. But we can always look for the best and enjoy the current moments of our lives, while still hoping for the best in the future. Someday you may lose your job, but then find a better job opportunity. Sometimes you may not succeed in a career but then you may find a better one. If you didn't have the time to graduate from college before, you can enter it again and graduate. If you majored in the wrong major, you can go back to university and choose another major. And if you are working to get the enough money so you can go to college, then keep up the good work. And if you don't want to go to college, then don't go. Who knows maybe you will find a better opportunity. Life is full of surprises. Oh and if you were in a bad university and a bad town, then try to transfer yourself to somewhere better, like Toronto. It does not matter what you work as long you reach where you want to, and as long it is safe and you collect the money you need.

It's never too late to turn your life around.

Secrets we are not meant to find

Me and the actress Amanda Bynes might be soul mates LOL! Just few hours before Amanda tweeted something I was actually thinking of, I was thinking about the little secrets we may not like to find about the people we love and know. I'm hiding few secrets of my own from my family and friends, and I do not hide because I'm afraid of them, it is because I'm afraid for them to find out secrets they may not like. Everyone needs secrets.

''If you go digging for something that's not yours to find out, don't blame anyone other than yourself if you don't like what you find.'' - Amanda Bynes' tweet.

I could not agree more! That was exactly what I was thinking of. My family sometimes are too eager to know everything about me, like my pass code for my iPhone or the password for my laptop. Or They want to know what I write in my blog! And all I could think of is ''hey! I'm allowed to keep few secrets for myself, besides I'm not hiding things from them because I'm afraid of their reaction, I'm hiding because they will sure not like what they may find. plus there is something called privacy.''  My laptop have porn in it, my phone has sex conversations and nasty jokes with my friend, and my blog is about Sex & Alcohol. - And hey! I'm not ashamed. 

I borrowed my 16 years old brother's phone yesterday. And for example, I could have checked everything in his phone but I was too afraid of what I may find. I may not like it and ruin my innocent little brother's image inside my head. Moreover, it would be awkward if I found out something I shouldn't have found or not for me to find and know. Like what if I searched in his phone and saw him and his friends sharing porn pictures or saying nasty jokes? LOL!

There are few little secrets that we should not find out about. It is not because we can not handle the truth, but there are few things that are not for us to find out about. We should not know every little detail about the people we know. We are not meant to dig deep in others' lives, because we may really not like what we may find and ruin their images inside our heads. Sometimes, it is good to keep secrets from people in our lives that they do not need to know about.

Unless if you were keeping a secret from your wife for 18 years that you are secretly gay like in ''Happily Divorced''. - Does Anyone watch this show? No? Just me! Okay. then you should come out!

You never know, she might divorce you and you two can become best friends. - nah! I don't think so.

''You will never believe the things that I have done, I will have you run, if you knew single one of all the things that I've done.'' - April Smith, Terrible Things.

The Fucked up Saudi Arabia

My sister and mom were living in Saudi Arabia. They went to a mall there in Dammam. After they finished from the mall, they were waiting outside the mall for their driver to come. They needed to use the phone to call him but the one they had, had ran out of battery. So they went to ask some women there for their mobile just to call the driver, the women refused and insulted them. A strange Saudi man, who was apparently related somehow to the women, had came and insulted my mom and sister. They insulted him back, but then the people gathered up and started to push my mom and sister away from the guy and defending him. Just because he was a man and women should not fight with men. He and the rude women had attacked my mom and sister, they even split Pepsi on them and spitted on their faces. Furthermore, the guy hit my sister by punching her in the face! People were defending the man because he was a man, not a woman. Guys had started to grab my sister and mom to take them away. Strange women came too and yelled at mom told her to take her daughter and go away. A stupid woman who was all covered up and wearing gloves went to the security guy for no reason, just to tell him to go arrest my mom and sister! The security guy went to their driver who just arrived. He opened the door of the vehicle while the driver was inside it. He wanted to take the car keys from the driver and insult him, just because the driver was a foreigner from Philippine and looked weak but my sister didn't allow him to do that. Even the security was insane and racist.

The cloak my sister was wearing on her hair had fell, after she got punched and she didn't realize that. People started to look at her like she was a whore and a bug, just because of that. Just because the cloak on her hair had fell and her hair was revealed. The securities just started to close the roads instead of helping. My sister was going to take a picture of the guy who hit her, and the license plate number in front of his car so she can report him. He and the three women got inside his car and started to drive away. People were covering the car license to protect him. They were covering the car license so my sister won't take a picture of his car's number and report him! Again, another group of people came and were defending the guy too, and they pushed my sister and mom away from the car. For them, Women can not talk to strange guys, that they are not related to, and start a fight. Women in Saudi are treated like bugs sometimes, while Men are treated like a First-class citizens. What happened was cruel and injustice.

Saudi Arabia has a fucked up society.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The one that got lost in New Year's Eve

It was New year's eve,

I promised my friends I will attend their party at a friends' house. Everything was going according to plan, I was going to meet them at their home in ''The Address, Dubai Mall.'' on 7PM. I was going to take my sister with me but she was busy studying for her finals - yup! In new year's eve! cruel world. So she was only going to come with me and stay for a while then leave. But when me and my sister got in our car, we found out that it could not move; The car's battery was dead because apparently my sister forgot the lights on when she parked it in the morning after returning from the university. From all nights of the year, my sister had to forget the lights on in New Year's eve. So we needed to call a friend to come pick us up and at least drive us to the near metro station. Dubai Mall was about 15-20 minutes drive from our apartment, but in new year's eve traffics it will take hours to reach there. So I had to use the metro to get there. My sister could not come, and I had to go alone. It took an hour to stand in the crowd inside station to get to the metro. Also inside the metro, it was so crowded that I couldn't feel my legs anymore, I had to sit on the edge of the window at the end of the metro when many people were getting on the metro, but then passengers inside had to scream and say we can not take anymore people inside the metro.

Anyways, it took about 40 minutes, until some guy who worked there came and yelled when the metro opened the doors, telling us we reached Dubai Mall's station. But he was lying, they closed the Dubai Mall because it was TOO crowded, everyone was going to see the fireworks at Burj Khalifa (In Dubai Mall).

When people heard the guy, MANY MANY people who were in the metro got out. They dropped us at the station that was before Dubai Mall's. We were 30 minutes walk away from the Mall. Most of the roads were closed and it was hard to get to the area behind the mall or near it which was where I wanted to go. I had to walk in circles and circles, everytime my friends had to call me and give me directions but it was useless because I was lost and all the roads were closed. It was hard to know which direction was the right one.

It was too crowded, and after the fireworks ended and the new year had started while I'm still in the streets lost and have no idea where was I. I wondered if it was worth all the suffering and walking in the crowds and all that traffic,  I promised myself to never leave the house again in New year's eves. After the fireworks ended, people were leaving the area and began walking to their cars and that's when all the people crashed in together and the heavy crowd started. I got stuck with thousands of people in a street, for at least an hour. I couldn't breath and my whole back and legs were hurting me, because I was walking in circles all night from 9PM - 1AM. People in the behind were pushing the ones who were in the middle, and people who were in front were pushing the ones from behind. So I was stuck in the middle pushed from front and behind! - It was HELL, Really! And still the worst night in my entire life.  And kinda like survival of the fittest LOL! some people can be like animals who are fighting to survive. Even after the walking for hours and searching for the friends' house, I still couldn't reach it there. I was lost and I had no idea where was I. My friends had to call me every 10 minutes to give me directions, but I was too embarrassed because I had no idea where was I and I couldn't reach it in time even after midnight. We were going to see the fireworks from their friends' house where they had a great view of the Burj. But everytime I asked someone for directions, they told me a different directions, like someone would tell me to go east and then another person is going to tell me to go west. It was all confusing and I was lost all night, until my friends had to come and get me and took me to their home. I couldn't even get to my home because of all the traffic and crowd. All the Taxis were busy and people standing in queues to get a ride, and the metro was closed. It was a disaster. New year's eves are disasters.

So I stayed at my friends' house, drank a little Heineken beer and ate, then they had to sleep. They told me to stay the night but all what I thought of was to go back home and rest. I slept in the couch and at 5 in the morning I finally found a taxi down in the hotel, so I can finally get home after the longest night of my life. Now I think my friends will always think of me as ''The One who got lost in New Year's Eve.''

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A place to hang out

Every friends have a place they like to hang out in. Whether it is in a friend's house, cafe, restaurant, bar. It is the place where every friend feels comfortable and enjoys staying in. My friend and I used to hang out in Starbucks. It was the place we liked. We felt comfortable there, and enjoyed the coffee, muffins, and croissant. In ''How I Met Your Mother'' TV show, the characters always sit at MacLaren's Pub. It is the place where they like to hang out to drink, eat, and talk. In the famous ''Friends'' series, they liked to hang out at the cafe ''Central Perk'', where they all sit and talked and shared laughs. Where ever you and your friends are, you would like a place to hang out in.

So do you already have a place? If you are still looking then this is how you should choose the perfect place for all your friends. First, it has to be comfortable for sure, and every friend may like it. Some good beverages and drinks, and food would be excellent too. Great furnished place would make sure it is comfy, and you would like the view of the place. At last, after you find the right place trust in yourself and the place you had picked, then your friends would sure like it too.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Fly Nightclub

We all know it as Babylon Nightclub, the famous club from the hit TV show ''Queer As Folk'', but its real name is ''Fly Nightclub''. In case you didn't know, it was originally located at the gay village ''Church and Wellesley'' in the city of Toronto. Ever since I watched Queer as folk, I had always wanted to visit Babylon. I hope it is as good as in the show. In all the episodes during the series they had showed us how great the club is, with the many competitions and great music. For example ''King of Babylon, Biggest dick, and Best abs contests.'' And for the music, I liked it when they once played ''Forever Young'' by Temperance, while Brian and Justin were dancing and kissing. They also had many hot muscular guys in the background dancing in their underwear. For me, I think Fly Nightclub might be the perfect gay club, and I hope I will get the chance to visit it soon.
If you are interested in the club too, don't forget to check their website

Monday, June 17, 2013

Save Weeds Petition

There is this petition on Facebook that is trying to bring back Showtime networks' TV show ''Weeds'' for a 9th season or a spin-off series. I really enjoyed watching that show, and I hope they will bring it back someday. I miss Nancy Botwin and all the other characters in the show. What I like about Nancy is how strong she is and how she can do what ever she wants without giving shit what everyone else think of her. She had done a lot of mistakes in her life during the series but she always kept on going no matter what. I was always excited to see what she was going to do next, and she had always surprised me. If it was up to me, I would bring the show back for many more seasons because I never get sick of it. The show had always entertained me and I'm a big fan of it. So how about you? Any other 'Weeds' fans out there who would like the show to come back? Tell me what you guys thought of the ending? And if you want it to come back, please 'Like' this Facebook page at

If you haven't watched the show before, I advice you to watch it. the TV show has humor, action, and adventure, and a lot of hot sex scenes. It is about a Mother who lost her husband and had to take care of her two sons. She started to sell Weed to make some money, and that's when she became one of the best weed sellers in the suburbs. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Once a loser, always a loser?

I was always the shy and alone guy in school. I only had one friend, but so many enemies. Many of the students I was with in school were closed minded and I always had problems with them, not all of them but few of them. None the less, I was the weirdo lonely guy. In another word, I was a loser. When life goes on, do you think a loser stays a loser? Some change and become these awesome people, while others stay the same. I think I will never change to the better and I may just stay the loser guy as always.

I was checking my Facebook today, and that's when I saw a profile of one of the students that used to be in my school. He is now in a cool city and a great university. He was kinda popular in school and always participated in school activities while I was just the shy and lonely student who all teachers felt sorry for him while they felt he was the IT guy. And now 3 years later, I'm still the loser guy who has few friends and still shy. I sure did many things and experiences but I still feel the same. I can not get over the feeling that I'm still the same stupid kid from school. Does this feeling ever go? I guess only time can tell. The sad part is, even when time passes by and years pass us, some things never change. We may change but our lives will always remind us of the past, and even if things changed around us. Does our fate change and our lives change? some times our luck just stays the same and we just stay the losers. Of course we should all move on from our past and try to become what we want to be and try to make ourselves feel better and do not care about anyone else. But it's never easy. Take it from me, changing yourself is hard.

However, the past will always stay where it is, in the past. Behind us all. I once heard an old saying that impressed me. It goes like this ''Yesterday is gone, Today is all what we have, Tomorrow is not for granted''. In other word, we should live today and leave tomorrow for tomorrow. So what all matters is now. Even though I feel that ''now'' sucks, but we all need some hope in our lives. Just my hope is to wait and see what's Life has in store for me. If you feel the same then you should work hard and wait for things in your life to get better, because we all know if we sit and did nothing, our lives will remain the same or turn to worse. If you once were a loser, you will stay a loser. And if you were once popular and a winner, you may become a loser. That's the funny thing about life. All what we can do is live it and receive some slaps from time to time. This is life and it is sure tough. Life is not for the weak.

Porn is a good thing to watch!

Most people watch Porn. It makes all of us see our sex fantasies come to live - kinda, at least on a screen.  Some guys and girls learn more about sex during watching Porn. It gets them out of the box and in the mood to try new things and positions. It can be effective and a positive thing to watch for people who might be having troubles with their sex lives. While there is no harm to have some fun watching it too.

Some people watch it for fun and learn, while others like to watch their fantasies and get turned on. From the age of 18, people in most countries can watch Porn. Virgins can learn about sex which make their first times may be much easier for them. Watching Porn Stars confident about their bodies and showing it all while fucking can give a person some confidence. Porn allows people not to be scared from Sex while in the same time they should be careful while doing it and use Condoms. Most Porn movies use condoms, which may let others be aware of the importance of using them.

Parents would think watching Porn may be a bad idea and inappropriate thing to watch. But what they do not know is how helpful Porn can be. Instead of just going out and have sex with some strangers, Singles can watch Porn and masturbate. Which is for sure more safer than just going out and find someone they may not know just to have sex with them. You know what I say? ''If you can't have it, the least thing you can do is to WATCH it.''

For some watching Porn is a secretive thing to do. They might hide if from their partners and families, and friends. While others are openly about it and not afraid to admit that they watch it. I think you should do what ever makes you comfortable and do not be ashamed if you are watching Porn because everyone does it. Heck, some partners end up watching porn together to improve their sex lives. So why can't you watch it too? There is no harm in watching Porn.  

Saturday, June 15, 2013


There are many situations where two people can end up breaking up or arguing about some decisions. We wonder and ask ourselves ''Who was right and who was wrong?'' we ask our friends and waiting for them to support us and tell us the truth. But what if there were no right nor wrong side except misunderstandings and different point of views. It depends on the person whether to choose what's right and wrong and their own thoughts and versions of the each situation that happened or still happening.

Sometimes you can see few people arguing about some few things, and when you go ask each one of them ''How did all the fighting start?'' Each person will have their own definition of what happened and how did it all start. Every person will tell you what they think happened, and what they think is right and wrong. We get confused and get caught up in the middle and start to think which side are we on, and should we even take sides? It depends on the situation for sure, but sometimes it's better not to take sides. While in other situations, it'd be better if you took a side if someone got hurt. It is really hard to be in the middle of a fight but we try our best to fix the problem.

For example, if two of your friends had a fight, you can ask them what happened and let them both sit and talk instead of just shouting and yelling at each others. It would be best if you didn't take sides and just try to let each friend see the other's point of view. You never know, it may just be a misunderstanding. One of the best ways to deal with a problem like that, is to point out the mistakes of each friend, and what you think they did wrong.

Many friendships and relationships get destroyed by just a little misunderstanding, so when that happens we should not just jump into conclusions but try and sit to talk it out. Even if you thought you were right and not in the mood to talk, because the only way to let the other person hear you and see your point of view, is for you to hear theirs first then you can tell them yours. Hopefully, they will understand you and may reach to an agreement that suits both of you.

Friday, June 14, 2013


Dubai is a cool city that has so many things and a lot to offer. I used to live in it for a few years, but I had to leave it and move to somewhere else. Dubai was just not what I was looking for unfortunately. I was looking for a free country that is full of life, nature and beauty, and open minded people that are liberal. Dubai was not that, it was only half of these things I wanted. It would take Dubai 50 years for the people there to freely live like how Americans and Canadians do. It may be a cool city with a great skyline and tallest building in the whole world, but what is the point when half of the country is closed minded? So Dubai doesn't have it all. That is why I had to leave it even though it became my home.

One day I saw a man and woman kissing in ''Dubai Mall'' but it was fast. I bet they were afraid someone might see them; Because it's illegal in Dubai. I was in one of the electric stairs and going to a downer level than the one i was in, and that's when they were in front of me. They made out quick like for 5 seconds. Yeah it sounds stupid to care for just a kiss but when you are in Dubai, it is illegal to kiss in public. Can you imagine? How come an opened minded city can be so closed minded? Sometimes I didn't understand and I just got confused. Is Dubai a free country or is it closed minded one? I sometimes did not know, because you would feel like you are living a life that all the people in cool cities are living, but at the same time we have these stupid rules that hold us back. So Dubai is stuck in the middle. For example, between Europe/USA/Canada and Saudi Arabia. All I wanted was to live in a normal cool city without the closed minded rules and people. I did not want to be stuck in the middle, it was really hard. Because sometimes I was happy and feeling that I lived in a free county, but then Dubai slapped me in the face every time with something closed minded. Then I become surprised and wonder ''How can that happen? Aren't we supposed to be in Dubai?'' But Dubai is like that. That was Dubai.

Once in a New Year's eve, I was waiting in the crowded queue at the metro and there was this beautiful foreign woman. She was dressed up for a party and there were these closed minded people who started to make fun of her in Arabic so she won't understand what they were saying. They were like ''Aw She is late for the Nightclub'' and laughing at her. I felt mad because it was so stupid of them like they never saw a woman goes to a party before, and like they never went to a club at all. So I was like... Ugh! This is Dubai. Open minded people and closed minded ones are equal in numbers. Half of Dubai were opened minded while the other half were not.

Don't get me wrong, I like Dubai and as I said before it was my home for few years. But I can't help but hope that someday we can all be understanding to each other and leave people live the way they want without interfering. Of course Dubai is an Islamic country but it can be more understanding to others. It would be nice if they at least let the not-Muslims people be a little free to do what they want as long they are not hurting themselves nor others, so they can feel more like home.

Should Alcohol become illegal in the United States?

A friend once asked me this question ''Should Alcohol become illegal in the United States?'' Which  made me wonder what others think of Alcohol. As for me, I think it should not be illegal for all people to drink.

Alcohol is bad for the kidney if you overdosed, but Alcohol helps people to have some fun. I think alcohol should not be illegal in the United States of America nor in any other country in the world.

Underage Teenagers buy fake IDs just to enter bars and clubs, it is something dangerous to do. I do not encourage underage drinking. But when it comes to adults, they should be allowed to drink alcohol. Adults should be able to know right from wrong, as long they do not hurt others nor themselves. They can make their own choices so when they choose to drink alcohol, it's their choice and they can take full responsibility for their own actions.

So my point of view is, Alcohol drinks should not be illegal in the united states for all ages but only young children, because adults can take care of themselves.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sex and the Love

Sex. we all need it, we all want it. It's the only thing we can not truly control. No matter where you are in the world, you would be looking for sex. Even when you want something more than just sex. There are billions of people online in dating sites that are mostly looking for sex. Even more than the people who just want to date. Which makes me wonder, is sex more important than love for some, while others are looking for love? I thought the answer is they are equally important. Sex is nothing without love, and with love you can't resist sex. But that's only half of the answer. We may think that sex and love are the same but they are not. The most important thing is to find someone you love then sex come second. But what if you were NOT looking for love? Will sex be enough? Some people like animals they just need sex and some may not admit it but we are not looking for love all the time, because sometimes we are looking for... Sex and maybe we might find love after or maybe not.

Sex is in our nature and desires. We all have types that we like and sex fetishes. It's part of our needs and we should never be ashamed of it. We can not resist something that's natural to us. When we are horny we become like animals or people that we do not recognize. It's still us and it's part of our inner selves that we sometimes forget about, and we are too afraid to show it or even realize it.

Some of us find sex or keep on looking for love while still wanting sex. So we either end up releasing our sexual frustration by having sex with someone, or we end up masturbating alone. They release the stress and our concentration on just sex, and after we do them we feel like we had an energy that needed to be used. They make our minds think straight again and realize we were blind and caught up by our desires that we couldn't see what was in front of us all along. We sometimes do not realize that Sex is for sure important, but so is love. 

My First Time Drinking

For first time drinkers, here is my first time drinking experience that I thought I should share it with you..

My first time was a disaster like many of drinkers' first times! I was in a club with my sister and a friend and I had too much to drink. First, I've drank 1 glass of Vodka but I didn't feel anything, I wasn't tipsy and I wasn't drunk yet! Yup if you didn't know that before, you know it now. You might not get drunk nor feel anything from just 1 glass. So I drank another glass of Vodka, and you have to know that you should never mix two different alcohol drinks. Like if you drank whiskey, you can't just go drink vodka, and if you drank let's say for example ''Martini'' you can't go drink ''Bullfrog''. So after I drank another Vodka, I started to feel a bit dizzy - Not good! We've shared a table with few new friends who offered some Shots every few minutes, so I drank 2 more shots and that's when I started to black out but I just ignored it. One of the new friends had taken me a little far from the table we were in so he can introduce me to some girls. It was hard to walk between all the crowd when you are about to black out and feeling dizziness, but I've did it anyways.

After we've arrived in the other table, he started to introduce me to few girls and I was too drunk to notice what's really going on, so I saw a glass on the table that I had no idea which kind of Alcohol Drink was it. But I took the glass and drank it - Bad, very bad!  And this is when I just blacked out completely and fell on the ground.

I couldn't control what was going on, some guys had to carry me outside to the car. My Sister and friend started to help and we had went outside of the club and while we were in our way to the car, the guys who were carrying me and helping me to get to the car had made me fall on my head - which I didn't feel any pain, and I didn't even remember it. I kept on blacking out but then waking up some time later just to talk and apologize to everyone, but a drunk guy talking is NEVER good. After we finally reached the car, I started talking in our way home. I was drunk and nothing seamed to matter anymore like it was only a dream. I felt numb and I was just shouting and saying things that I should not have said. I kept on saying ''I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm just another human being, why can't everyone accept me?!'' My sister was aware that I was Bisexual so it wasn't a big surprise to her but I embarrassed her for sure, because I was drunk and came out to her friend! Apparently, everything you think of and want to say or do while you are drunk you may say them and do them.

So this was my first time drinking Alcohol, I think everyone should be careful when they first start drinking and try not to drink much like I did. Thankfully, I've learned from my mistakes and we should all learn from our own mistakes too. I hope the story of my first time helps some people who may read it to avoid doing what I had done wrong. 

Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mistakes that everyone do

Some people classify others by what they are. ''That black guy, gay guy, Asian girl, or the girl on a wheel chair.'' We should be careful when we call people some names and describe them, just remember they're humans too. Like the girl in a wheel chair is a girl who happens to be in a wheelchair! It's not nice to call her the girl on a wheelchair, because she is for sure more than that.

I sometimes wonder why people can be so rude and can't think right. If you are a Gay guy or Black or Asian, would you like people to call you by your name or by your sexuality or race and nationality? of course you would like them to call you by your name. Some might find this issue is ridiculous and not important, but the truth is it's insensitive and hurt people. It's the reason why people feel like outsiders and the reason why they feel that they don't belong.

You won't know how important this topic is unless you were called by names that you didn't like. I think everyone should think twice and pause for a while to really think before they speak. Try put yourself in others' shoes and then you may know how they feel, and how will they feel when you classify them like objects.

Think before you speak.


We should all respect religions, but what happens when they don't respect our lifestyles?

There are rules in religions that may seam reasonable and make sense for some people but for others they don't. Just like some people need religions in their life while others don't.

Religions are important for some and give them hope for the afterlife. But religions can be a nightmare for some people who religions had stated that their lifestyles are the wrong way to live and the reason why god will hate them, and will lead them to hell. 

Somethings make sense but not to everyone. People choose their religion by what suits them and their own beliefs. From my point of view, things that I don't think that make sense is how can ''Sex, Drinking Alcohol, Listening to Music'' can lead to hell and would make god mad at us? Music gives us hope and make us feel better, so why is it forbidden in some religions like Islam? And how can Sex be wrong when it's natural? Of course you can not just sleep with strangers and do one night stands but how come having sex with someone you love will make god mad at you? We shouldn't control something that is natural to the human kind. Drinking Alcohol can be dangerous for the kidney if you overdose and drank too much everyday, but for some people having a drink from time to time makes the pain and problems in their life easier for them and help them to get through the day and enjoy themselves while having some fun. So how come Alcohol is a drink that lead us to hell and let god angry?

Some questions have no answers for people(including me) when they deeply think about them. These questions make us wonder about life/afterlife and death. We ask ourselves and wonder what it can possibly be the answer for them and where do they lead us to? Which path is the right one and which one is the wrong? The only one who can answer these questions is you. 

Just Remember, only God can judge us.

How to know if someone is gay or lesbian

How to know if you're gay or if someone is gay...

Some guys are girly and like girly things, but that doesn't mean that they're gay until they're attracted to guys and want to sleep with them. So when you see them don't assume that they're gay just by their looks. While some men act girly others are manly and like guys' things like sports, but that doesn't mean they're straight until they are attracted to women.

For example, my friend once told me about this guy who acts like girls and who's very girly but at the same time he is married, straight, and attracted to women only.

When a guy or a girl like manly and girly things like playing football or watching sport while they also like to watch TV shows about/for women and gay guys, it doesn't mean they're bisexual until they for sure like to sleep with both genders and attracted to them.

In Conclusion, whatever we do and like doesn't affect who we are attractive to nor who we do like to sleep with. We define our sexuality, not the things we like to act.