Monday, June 17, 2013

Save Weeds Petition

There is this petition on Facebook that is trying to bring back Showtime networks' TV show ''Weeds'' for a 9th season or a spin-off series. I really enjoyed watching that show, and I hope they will bring it back someday. I miss Nancy Botwin and all the other characters in the show. What I like about Nancy is how strong she is and how she can do what ever she wants without giving shit what everyone else think of her. She had done a lot of mistakes in her life during the series but she always kept on going no matter what. I was always excited to see what she was going to do next, and she had always surprised me. If it was up to me, I would bring the show back for many more seasons because I never get sick of it. The show had always entertained me and I'm a big fan of it. So how about you? Any other 'Weeds' fans out there who would like the show to come back? Tell me what you guys thought of the ending? And if you want it to come back, please 'Like' this Facebook page at

If you haven't watched the show before, I advice you to watch it. the TV show has humor, action, and adventure, and a lot of hot sex scenes. It is about a Mother who lost her husband and had to take care of her two sons. She started to sell Weed to make some money, and that's when she became one of the best weed sellers in the suburbs. 

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